Jerusalem is the New Berlin

My, but aren’t those provocative words. But it seems obvious to me; not sure why it isn’t to others. Bibi Nehtanyahu has become the newest version of Hitler, amongst many contenders. Maybe that quatrain of Nostradamus about the anti-Christ arising in the middle east is Bibi? Full circle back to Herod and Caiaphas. More provocative words!

These latest actions by Israel – blowing up pagers, then the next day walkie talkies was the start. They got away with that. They’d already planted a bomb in a house in Tehran to get Ismail Haniyeh, a Hamas bigwig. They got away with that. Now they’ve blown up Hassan Nasrallah, the thirty year leader of Hezbollah in Beirut. They’ll get away with that as well.

OK, in for a know the rest. It surely does appear to me that Bibi et al have rather cynically used Hamas’ attack on the villages in southern Israel as the cue to institute what was already prepared for. They’d been working on the exploding pagers for two years. They planted the bomb at the house in Tehran months before. So this isn’t a reaction to Hamas’ actions. It is – once and for all, in their thinking – getting rid of their enemies.

Golly, does this remind you of the Bavarian Corporal’s insanity about – yes, about Jews? If only we can rid Germany of all the Jews, we will be safe. If only we can rid our immediate surroundings of everyone who hates and attacks us, we will be safe. So Israel is now fighting a war, no attacking their ‘enemies’ on three fronts: Hamas in Gaza, Houthis in Yemen and Hezbollah in Lebanon. Along the way, thousands of civilians – including children – are dying because they’re in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Why can’t the world – the UN, World Court, somebody – stop this? Because it is always couched in these terms: Israel is doing what it has to do to defend itself. There were apologists – are still apologists – who said the same thing about Hitler and the Nazis. Only back then, the word was “reparations”. They are doing this because the Allies destroyed their country with reparations, so they deserve to take over western Europe in its entirely. Good grief. The only person who foresaw the impact of reparations was John Maynard Keynes. He wrote about it, but the world ignored his warnings. Just like now. Israel can’t – or won’t – be stopped until .. until what? Will they blow up Iranian Ayatollah Khamanei next? Why not? They seemingly have the knowledge and technology to get anybody they want. Biden better keep sending weapons after the election, or they’ll plant one in the White House basement.

Reminds me of that episode of The Twilight Zone with little Billy Mumy from 1961, where little Anthony Fremont had to be obeyed by everyone, or bad things would happen to them. Kinda reminds you of Bibi – or Baby Trump. Another one of those contenders I spoke about earlier.

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