
It’s 2:25 AM, and my brain has been in overdrive mode for at least an hour. Clearly it’s tapped into the ‘other’ dimension, the one that wades through all the chaff to find the wheat, metaphorically speaking. I’m talkin’ big scale here. Big.

Let’s start with the fundamentals. Democracy is dying – worldwide. Who killed it? Everybody did their part. The remnants of Communism in China – in particular Deng – made like they were benign and got let into the World Trade Organization. Recall that’s the organization that Trump killed. But four decades of Chinese trade dominance made it clear that Chinese Communism worked where Russian Communism didn’t. So that’s part of it. What else? Who else? We did. Let me ‘splain.

Roll your tape all the way back to 11/22/63. Operation Northwoods was supposed to be a false flag operation that opened the door for the kooks – aka spooks – in the CIA to mount a mission to attack the island of Cuba. Bombastic Fidel drove those boys nuts. But the false flag operation went slightly awry, and ended up killin’ the prez. Oops. They spent lots of treasure covering that big oops up. So what started small got big – government-wide big. Nobody could let the Russians know that the CIA killed the president. It would show how really vulnerable we were, with people at the helm that oughn’t be. Goodness knows, might lead to revolution. So let the lies begin.

Then somebody, somewhere said, “Hey, this is actually kinda easy. And it’s like losing your virginity or using portables. Never mind, won’t explain that one. Losing your virginity. After the first time, the second one is easy. So they used the same methods to kill Robert K and Martin L K. Got away with those too. How? They were united in rationalizing that anything they did was in the name of keeping strong in the face of the nuclear-armed Russians. Kind of like in the face of WMDs with Saddam. Gettin’ the idea? Ironic that little Putin, small KGB Dresden gnome was taking notes for later. More on that later in this post.

So how – or why – did it stop? Was it better leadership that said, “Nah, we ain’t gonna act that way anymore? Hell, no. It was the invention of the iPhone combined with the internet: Facebook, Instagram, TikTok. Everybody filmed everything and put it out on the web. Now, you’d say that just spawned more conspiracy theories. True, did. But it also shown a light on everything everybody did. It’s Abraham Zapruder on steroids. So it stopped, sorta.

The first alleged assassination on Trump. Heard much about the kid that tried to take him out? Nope, me neither. I think we’re seeing a return of this kind of operation. So we’ve gone from left of center power brokers to right wing nutjobs. Doesn’t that bring you great confidence in the future?

Here’s the thing. Understanding this doesn’t change much of anything. But how will it play out this time? Ironies will abound. Trump is doddering. Probably won’t leave Mar-a-Lago much, as he’s likely paranoid about those same guys that orchestrated the ‘near miss’ not missing next time. Wouldn’t you worry about that if you were him? So somebody – or some bodys – will emerge as the next strong man/men. But it will be pointless. Huh?

One more digression. Let’s turn to the Middle East. Netanyahu. Oops – wait, let’s look at Putin first. He had his day in the assassination game. Learned his lessons well. Got away with all of his too…pretty much. The guy that got caught in London got returned to Russia in the prisoner swap. He’s probably locked in the same cell as Assad. Putin don’t like failures. Biden is so easily duped these days. The German Schroeder was key to that deal..and now he’s out. Starting to see the tide? But Putin got put on the back foot as the Brits say, when Netanyahu and Erdogan got rid of Assad. Not sure that was Bibi’s intent, but it sure was Recip’s – that’s Erdogan of Turkey’s first name, in case you might not remember that. Back to the Middle East. Bibi’s the big assassin on the block now. Taking out most of the opposition and blasting Gaza back to the stone age – where they mostly lived anyway – makes him top dog. Everybody loves him in Israel now. But what happens afterward? Iran is weakened. Israel is small, geographically. Who will ultimately benefit from this? Saudi Arabia. MBS. What does he want? Well, that’s a good question. He had his hand in the assassination game, taking out a reporter for the Washington Post. The issue lived on for a while, but now that Bezos is obeisant (love that alliteration!) to Trump, that won’t be a problem anymore. MBS wants to be in charge of the entire Middle East. No more Iran. And then no more Israel.

So back to the beginning. Democracy was personified by the uber strong United States. The election of one Donald J. Trump will put an end to that illusion. Without the US, Democracy lives in places like Sweden and Australia and the Pitcairn Islands, smallest democracy by population. Remember Pitcairn from Mutiny on the Bounty? But I digress. The end of democracy will be the end of our government and the splitting up of the country. I’ve already written that book – and almost finished with the sequel. But what I never fully understood – about my own writing – was the religious element of it. Quoting from Matthew, then the Koran, and finally the Bhagavad gita. It is no coincidence that Evangelicals are aligned with Trumpism. They expect to put their stamp on what goes on in the future – four years’ worth. But that will be just another brick in the wall (not the one with Mexico) that will be built between the regions of the country. We are heading for a breakup. It’s all in the book.

But what about this sequel – religious overtones? Yep, but new books – the Book of Sabrina, the Book of Julia, Maya as the final victor in the war between good and evil. Yes, the reunification of the country will be an element of this new religion, one based on a matriarchy of sorts. Because it will be oh so clear that patriarchy doesn’t work. Put the ladies in charge, please. There it is. But by the time all that comes to pass, I will be dust next to the pond. But I’ll have the satisfaction of being able to say, “Told ya.”

Sting Said it

… Every breath you take
And every move you make
Every bond you break
Every step you take
I’ll be watching you

… Every single day
And every word you say
Every game you play
Every night you stay
I’ll be watching you

Don’t know about the night he stays, but you know this one. It’s the stalker song! Supposedly some idiots play it at their wedding. Portends that future.

You will likely be bored with my single mindedness, but HCR is as bad as I am as the consequences of this woebegotten election are huge.

This pic sums it up visually.

Choices and Consequences

Oren Cass, a “conservative” think tank head, wrote an OpEd piece in the NYT about the choices Trump must quickly make in the opening days of his administration. Immigration. Cryptocurrency (?). Infrastructure and returning jobs to the US from overseas. He isn’t very encouraging.

Oren points out that presidents have to transition from campaigning to win to governing. They are surrounded by people with agendas. Ref: the West Wing TV series from the 90’s where you saw that on nearly every episode. Oren has a limited amount of confidence that Trump will take his “mandate” and effectively do the right thing. How naive they are. Who they?

“Conservatives” are just old school Republicans. They don’t understand Trump. He isn’t one of them. In fact, it’s pretty clear he has great disdain for them. He’s a lizard brained sociopath in the beginning stages of dementia. That makes for a vicious loop in his thinking, with the dementia destroying any logical bits left in the cranium, emphasizing the lizard component. Note to Conservatives of the world: HE IS CAPABLE OF JUST ABOUT – NAY..I REWRITE THIS STATEMENT. HE IS CAPABLE OF ANYTHING. ANYTHING.

He’s already begun by taking a swipe at used to be fat and now Ozempic’d Mike Pompeo. He took another one at Nikki Haley, who fully deserved it. Guess she never understood that it ain’t no good to let other people get your kicks for you. Oops..channeling Dylan there for a moment. What I meant to say is she tried to straddle the Trump fence and ended up just looking really venal and shallow. Maybe that’s what she is. Don’t know. I became a Republican to vote for her in the primary. Big mistake. Won’t do that ever again.

Back to the topic at hand. Expect no rationality here, folks. Anything is possible. Anybody is possible, regardless of experience or political persuasion, for his administration. God help us. final note. Didn’t see a whisper in that OpEd piece about climate change. Can you hear me? Can you hear me? Climate change. It will be the death of many of us. Prepare ye the way of the weather.

I’ll be watching. And talking. And reminding you: you let him in.


Per HCR, voters are waking up to realities that are a day late and a dollar (or twenty) short. Like tariffs increase costs. Undocumented relatives can be deported. You can’t have your cake and eat it too.

stupidity, gullibility, naivety. Don’t forget: you let him in.

Upside Down Flag

No, it isn’t the Wall Street crash; it’s two days after the election. I was going to keep posting the upside down American flag, but that image – supposed to mean send help – has been co-opted by Trumpists. So I’ll have to work on a new visual.

Fascination with Fascism. That is where we are. To know something is very bad for the country – and for you as an individual – and to embrace it anyway? What is that? Masochism. Nihilism. Naziism. Lots of isms being thrown around here. I don’t think it’s any of those. It’s gullibility. Stupidity. Naivety. Giving in to our most dangerous instincts to embrace a strong man. Have we seen this picture before?

Oh, no more than a few thousand times before throughout history. But we were supposed to be the land of the free. The home of the brave. Kamala’s concession speech talked about those things. Won’t be hearing much about that anymore. It’ll be interesting to compare and contrast with his inaugural speech. If he can be propped up on the dais to give it.

Reality is, he’s an old and senile man, still trying to win back the love of his daddy. Yuck. Tacky. Worthy of one of those CBS shows that can take any premise and make it cringeworthy. Matlock. Not the old one with Andy – the new one with Kathy. Cringeworthy. The real problem here are the kids surrounding him. Vance. Bannon. Miller. Kids. These aren’t kids. They are co-conspirators who will be the Marc Antony’s that will eventually dispose of him, now that he’s let them in the gates of power. Then they’ll squabble amongst themselves and eventually implode. Can’t wait for all that to happen.

And the good folks in this country let it happen. Wanted it to happen. Wanted to see the train wreck so badly, they voted against their own self interest. You can’t make this stuff up. It seems impossible, yet there it is.

I’ll work on a new logo apropos to the occasion. It will only be needed for two years – ’til the next election when the first leg of the stool to be knocked off will be the House of Representatives. It always turns over in the midterms in a Democracy. We are still that, aren’t we? Only if we hang on. By our fingernails.

Thought I’d leave you with this visual. Seemed appropriate for the occasion.

You invited him in.

The Last Few Days of Peace

Can you hear me? Are you taking any of this seriously? Probably not. This may be one of the last times I post here. If America is heading to oblivion, I will shun the role of chronicler.

it’s up to you and your generation to see this right. But you and all young people may be the ones who ultimately destroy us by voting for the madman. Why? I lost touch with who you are a while ago. Maybe living through the upheaval of life in this country since you were thirteen did it. But I’m old. The impact on me will be mostly psychological. You will live another 70 years dealing with the fallout of your action. I feel sorry for you.

So stop. Think. If you can’t vote for her, don’t vote for anybody. Just vote for the two Amendments and call it done. Ah, youth. Bless your hearts.

What Will Life Be the Day After Tomorrow?

As Hamlet said, that is the question. Course he was contemplating committing suicide. Is that the contemplation voters in this country are hurtling towards?

The character Vizzini in The Princess Bride often replied “Inconceivable” when confronted with a statement he rejected. Ultimately his inability to see alternative outcomes led to his destruction. Both sides would utter “Inconceivable” regarding the other side winning. Will that lead to the eventual destruction of this country?

Everyone wants to make a prediction. A blowout? A wave? Repeat of 2016? Repeat of some previous election? I won’t bet the farm on this outcome, as I cannot be objective. But I will say this. If Trump wins, then it will be because a larger proportion of vote casters want to see the United States be hurt. Or broken up. Eventually destroyed. Voting against their own interests. A phenomenon we have been witnessing now for years in red states. It is, in fact, a thing.

But I don’t think it started here. Look across the pond to the UK. A hundred years ago. Names: Philby, Blunt, Maclean, Cairncross. Men who spied for the USSR against their native country. Other alleged spies almost made it to the top before allegations of double age try were revealed. In this case, these were elite academic types doing the destruction. On this side of the Atlantic, they’re angry, fat, not too bright white men who are putting a knife in the back of America. And my son. Alas, I weep at the thought.

it will be over soon, and we will know which way the country is going. But don’t forget the law of unintended consequences. It is alive and well. “Inconceivable?” Maybe it’s what I’ve said many times before in this blog: maybe it’s just our time to be diminished, no matter who wins.

Jerusalem is the New Berlin

My, but aren’t those provocative words. But it seems obvious to me; not sure why it isn’t to others. Bibi Nehtanyahu has become the newest version of Hitler, amongst many contenders. Maybe that quatrain of Nostradamus about the anti-Christ arising in the middle east is Bibi? Full circle back to Herod and Caiaphas. More provocative words!

These latest actions by Israel – blowing up pagers, then the next day walkie talkies was the start. They got away with that. They’d already planted a bomb in a house in Tehran to get Ismail Haniyeh, a Hamas bigwig. They got away with that. Now they’ve blown up Hassan Nasrallah, the thirty year leader of Hezbollah in Beirut. They’ll get away with that as well.

OK, in for a know the rest. It surely does appear to me that Bibi et al have rather cynically used Hamas’ attack on the villages in southern Israel as the cue to institute what was already prepared for. They’d been working on the exploding pagers for two years. They planted the bomb at the house in Tehran months before. So this isn’t a reaction to Hamas’ actions. It is – once and for all, in their thinking – getting rid of their enemies.

Golly, does this remind you of the Bavarian Corporal’s insanity about – yes, about Jews? If only we can rid Germany of all the Jews, we will be safe. If only we can rid our immediate surroundings of everyone who hates and attacks us, we will be safe. So Israel is now fighting a war, no attacking their ‘enemies’ on three fronts: Hamas in Gaza, Houthis in Yemen and Hezbollah in Lebanon. Along the way, thousands of civilians – including children – are dying because they’re in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Why can’t the world – the UN, World Court, somebody – stop this? Because it is always couched in these terms: Israel is doing what it has to do to defend itself. There were apologists – are still apologists – who said the same thing about Hitler and the Nazis. Only back then, the word was “reparations”. They are doing this because the Allies destroyed their country with reparations, so they deserve to take over western Europe in its entirely. Good grief. The only person who foresaw the impact of reparations was John Maynard Keynes. He wrote about it, but the world ignored his warnings. Just like now. Israel can’t – or won’t – be stopped until .. until what? Will they blow up Iranian Ayatollah Khamanei next? Why not? They seemingly have the knowledge and technology to get anybody they want. Biden better keep sending weapons after the election, or they’ll plant one in the White House basement.

Reminds me of that episode of The Twilight Zone with little Billy Mumy from 1961, where little Anthony Fremont had to be obeyed by everyone, or bad things would happen to them. Kinda reminds you of Bibi – or Baby Trump. Another one of those contenders I spoke about earlier.

Friday the 13th – Is This a Movie After All?

Yes, today isn’t the Ides of March, but rather the Ides of September – Friday the 13th, a day when bad things happen. I didn’t sleep well at all last night, having gone to bed tired, and then had fitful dreams until now – 2:05 AM. I have that creepy/crawly feeling something bad is going to happen. Let’s talk.

My relatives whom I have affection for contemplate voting for Trump. If they read this, they will be horrified, no doubt, but I feel compelled to say it. They are living in a dream world, and behave as though they are children. Their candidate of choice, particularly now in his dotage, behaves like a child.

He said at the debate that the words he uttered on January 6th were simply the result of “they wanted me to make a speech.” Men are in prison today because of his words that day. He is a dangerous baby, as anyone for whom the spell was broken can attest. So we have children voting for other children as though we are back in fifth grade and we’re voting for hall monitors.

If we make it through to November without the Democratic candidate being assassinated, I will be greatly relieved. Another child could pick up a handgun, go to a rally and shoot her, thinking he’s saving the country. Alternatively, after she wins, Trump could enlist his Supreme Court to declare her candidacy illegitimate because of the Biden stand-down, paving the way for the House of Representatives – another classroom full of children – to put him in the White House. There will be chaos.

This chaos has been coming since Barack Obama had the gall to get himself elected president. That day I saw what looked like reasonable people in front of the post office in Vero Beach presenting pictures of him with a Hitler moustache, I knew it would eventually end up here. The eight years we wasted with Obama – a black man who was forced to act as one by a hostile electorate and an even more hostile Congress – set us up for the cult half the country has joined.

I suppose all this means I’ve lost faith that we as a country will survive. I wrote about that in the Suffer the Children series. Now I’m working on the sequel, set in a time frame twenty four years from now, where grown ups try to rebuild the country. I suppose it is necessary to destroy what was in order to build anew, but there will be pain and suffering – There Will Be Blood to name another movie – along the way. The inevitable cycle of rise, trial, destruction, resurrection, renewal. It’s just our turn, and I suppose we deserve it. So as I showed in the Suffer series, foreign enemies just have to wait for us to implode..just like I’m waiting for Trump to finally throw himself on the floor with a temper tantrum, pounding his fists on the ground and bawling – like a baby. Will that get their attention? Likely not.

International Overdose Awareness Day – August 31st

Here’s a link to the CDC’s post about this important day:,and%20overdose.%20End%20overdose%20by%20sharing%20prevention%20strategies.

I will be posting to my local Facebook group where I live about this and the use of Narcan to save lives. I think I’ll use this blog to practice what I’ll write.